Blog posts : "lead nurturing software"

B2B Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has three important aspects

1. Creating Buzz

It is about creating buzz or news worthy events, videos, tweets, or even blog entries that attract attention, and become viral in nature. Buzz generation is what makes social media marketing work; it replicates a message, not throug…

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Role of Affiliate Marketing in Lead Generation

Lead nurturing is a concept that has gained immense popularity amongst marketers in the recent past. Until then it was the same old story of passing the buck –the marketing automation passing the leads, irrespective of their readiness, to sales team who followed-up hot leads leaving the rest to ga…

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Build relationships with lead nurturing

Enterprises seem to be spending quite a lot on efforts to build online lead generation with an eye to ensure enhanced customer base and well-qualified leads, yet they are bothered by certain queries that compels to wonder if  generating leads are enough  for enhanced CRM. The queries these enterpris…

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3 blog posts