Leveraging SEO for B2B Success

In B2B marketing, lead generation is a vital process which ensures that a company is able to realize sales opportunities and bring in the much needed revenue. Supporting this effort is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process that helps marketers to popularize their marketing campaigns by keeping them on top of the search engine results page.

The role of a search engine is to find relevant links for search terms provided online users. So in order to highlight a website link during those searches and make it appear on in the top slots, B2B marketers need to optimize their web pages for higher visibility. SEO practices help to raise marketer’s webpage rankings compared to those of his competitors.

Here’s what will make your SEO efforts reach greater heights.


  • High quality content is vital for SEO to succeed.
  • Content used in landing pages and website must be informative and relevant to prospects.
  • Use the right keywords so that your URL shows up during user searches.
  • Scatter keywords strategically in content, headlines, titles and subheadings.
  • Use primary keyword in your meta tags as they are crawled by search engines to identify your website.
  • Your landing pages should have a catchy title with the primary keyword in it.
  • Always use primary keyword and secondary keyword in landing page descriptions, within the first 150 characters.
  • Title tags must be within 70 characters and should be a very short description of the content.
  • And, last but not the least, always update your content for readers to get the latest picture of your company or product.

Target segment

  • SEO activities have greater success levels if it is pursued for a specific target user segment. This applies especially to blogs and articles.
  • Since SEO is pursued by all companies, to excel and succeed in SEO, targeting specific user segments is advisable.
  • This helps to create credibility for published content and generate readership as well.

Website Aesthetics

  • Use only relevant images on your website and blogs, and only if it is imperative.
  • Include a short HTML description tag for images posted on the website.
  • It is not recommended to use Flash-based site navigation tools.  Use site browsing code like jQuery or CSS to create text-based written content for ease of being recognized by search engines.
  • To sustain readership, create internal links in a website. Create a sitemap which enables search engines to index the site faster.
  • Provide social media sharing buttons on your website. This encourages readers to spread the word with just a click of the button.

Automate SEO efforts by using marketing automation products to accelerate your lead generation and lead nurturing efforts.

Read more on - Lead Management software  , social media campaigns

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